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Artist talks: Kalisolaite ‘Uhila and Rob George in conversation with gallery Director Sophie Davis

Artist talks: Kalisolaite ‘Uhila and Rob George in conversation with gallery Director Sophie Davis

Saturday 13 July, 11am | George and ‘Uhila will discuss the scope of their collaboration around Uhila’s work at Te Whare Toi o Heretaunga Hastings Art Gallery, as well as previous performances by ‘Uhila in Aotearoa and abroad. Drawing upon George’s insights as a filmmaker, they will also explore some of the possibilities and tensions in documenting live performance.

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Kelekele Mo‘ui (Living Soil): Kalisolaite ‘Uhila

Kelekele Mo‘ui (Living Soil): Kalisolaite ‘Uhila

3 May - 18 August 2024 | Live performance: Wednesday 1 May, 10am - 4.30pm | Kelekele Mo‘ui (Living Soil) centres on a live performance by artist Kalisolaite ‘Uhila. Developed following a residency in Heretaunga Hastings in mid-2023, the work responds to the ways in which people live off and labour on the land.

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Can you see us now? Jasmine Togo-Brisby

Can you see us now? Jasmine Togo-Brisby

16 March – 23 June 2024 | Can you see us now? is a new sculptural installation by Jasmine Togo-Brisby, a South Sea Islander artist of Ni-Vanuatu ancestry. It asks questions of visibility and cultural memory, exploring the global legacies of the South Pacific slave trade and its passages through Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, the Pacific Ocean. The work explores empathy and resistance across time, space, and genealogies – a vessel for the connected journeys of many.

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Gallery Hours

Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 10am – 4.30pm
Saturday, 10am - 4pm
Sunday, 1pm - 4pm

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